Like all living things, plants have to take some substances from the soil and atmosphere, in which they develop, in order to grow, develop and produce the products that other living things need.
The soil may not always have enough nutrients. It may also suffer from loss of nutrients over time, and thus become unable to provide the nutrients required for the development of plants and agricultural products. In that case, fertilizers are needed. Hence, the necessary nutrients are provided.
Conventional Fertilizers
Conventional Fertilizers give the plant nutrients needed by the product to the soil, especially for field, garden plants and fruit growing. Thus, it is one type of our fertilizers that provides high yield and quality product harvest. For this purpose, conventional fertilizers are used quite a lot…
Conventional Fertilizers are divided into three subcategories, being nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and compound fertilizers.
Nitrogen Fertilizers
Nitrogen fertilizers are fertilizers that contain nitrogen. The amount to be used is determined by considering the factors such as the amount of nitrogen required by the plant, nitrogen content and organic matter content of the soil. Nitrogen fertilizer provides root formation, development and growth of the plant. It accelerates the maturation of plants, increases product quality, ripens the grains, preventing them from spilling and thus increasing the yield.
Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers
Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus fertilizer provides root formation, development and growth of the plant. It accelerates the maturation of plants, increases product yield and quality. It prevents spilling of grains. It increases the resistance of plants against drought and diseases. Grains mature better. Potassium fertilizer increases the plant’s resistance to heat, cold and drought, hence increasing product yield and quality. It prevents damages that may arise from excess nitrogen. It accelerates maturation of the plant. As can be seen, these fertilizers are both very useful and high quality products.
Compound Fertilizers
Compound fertilizers contain multiple plant nutrients. The plant nutrients in these fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These are described as a percentage in a specific order. For example, 100 kilograms of a 20-20-20 compound fertilizer contains 20 kilograms of pure nitrogen, 20 kilograms of phosphorus, and 20 kilograms of potassium oxide. The nutrient content in compound fertilizers allows growing better quality products in an easier way. It is extremely beneficial to both the product and the farmer.